Trying to get it working

Maybe if I keep trying I will get this blog thing working the way I want it to.
I want it to be able to show people who are interested what we are doing and to be a record for us of what we are doing in the garden and things like climatic conditions...thought it was going to be easy but is seems a bit complex.

These photos will be a bit random but this first one is Jordan, Dom and Angus, on the way down to the dam. This gives and idea of how we started the garden.

This photo is Katie preparing the area for her Australian wedding, digging out cat heads, it gives a bit of an idea of how the garden was looking in March 2008.
When we came here there was only a tiny little garden around the house so we fenced off a much bigger area that was basically just a cat head infested paddock!

The vegetable garden ready for winter planting in May 2009.


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