This weekend in the garden 23/8/2009

Today it has been 26 degrees and still in winter! I am worried about the summer already, not least because we have less water in the big dam than usual.
However have to keep on with the garden plan so this weekend has been a busy one in the garden.
I have started planting my summer vegetable seeds in the cold frame so today have planted:
Many varieties of tomatoes including:
an heirloom mix
Christmas grapes
cherry roma
Ox heart
Money maker
Also Capsicum California wonder, seven color mix and Jimmy Nardello
Cucumber double yield and mini muncher
Zucchini Black Beauty and Tromboncino

Eggplants Long Purple, Heirloom mixed and Listada di Gandia
Green Asparagus
Lettuce flame
Tomatillo purple
Lettuce crisp mint
Tuscan black kale
Also planted to seed a polystyrene box of mesculen mix and one of rocket
We moved a small lemon tree to a new location where we hope it will flourish and planted our bay tree out from the pot into the garden. Will also plant out the native Frangipani as i have discovered it is quite frost tolerant.
I bought a Raspberry Cane at Bunnings yesterday and have planted that out, I will see how it goes and if it is successful will get some more. I am trying to create a micro climate with a hedge of passion fruit that I grew from seeds and then a trench of asparagus and on the other side Raspberries. At the moment I also have broad beans and potatoes in this garden that seem to be doing quite well.
Peter started painting the rose structure that he built from discarded ladders from his work and it looks much better, blends in a bit now, should look lovely once the climbing roses grow.
I put turkey manure on the old rose garden.
We have a a silkie hen sitting on four hen eggs, should hatch about 12th September.
Loads of eggs of all kinds at the moment, will have to put a sign at the gate for people to take them, way too many for us but hopefully will get some broody turkeys soon. Don't know what is happening with the ducks they seem to have stopped laying.
Plum, almond and Apricots trees have blossoms.
Navel Oranges are finished but the mandarins have finally come good and are worth eating.
Lots of vegetables to pick, all kinds of Broccoli and cauliflower, beetroot, carrots, potatoes and pumpkin as well as various lettuce leaves and herbs. dinner all from the garden tonight.
Will add some pictures in a day or two when I get back from working in Canberra.


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