Beautiful Baby Vegetables

Yesterday was a day for just pottering around in the garden. Doing the things that needed to be done that took my fancy!
So I moved a few things, separated and planted out some rhubarb crowns prepared a new bed for strawberries and thinned out some Vegetable seedlings.
As a result we had some beautiful baby Veg for our dinner.

As well as the baby carrots, leeks and beetroot there were a few potatoes. The little tiny ones are delicious!
I have tried growing sweet potato with no success a few times so have been really pleased to get a few vines established from a sweet potato that sprouted in my cupboard. I did think it was a bit late in the season and that I wouldn't get any tubers before it got cold. So I was really pleased to find this sweet potato while I was weeding around them. I still don't think I will get many but will try and keep a vine going over winter and hopefully if they start growing early enough we will get a good crop next year.
A nice dinner from the garden along with our kangaroo tail stew.
