Gorgeous Garlic

Having an abundant supply of homegrown garlic is one of my many gardening aims. Last years crop was a bit meagre due to lack of water and this year for some reason i forgot to order any new cloves to plant. Luckily the garden has a mind of its own and lots of self sown garlic emerged in the back garden. Three varieties, Russian garlic which is really a garlicky sort of leek i think, it has  one or two large cloves and is quite sweet, a white garlic and a pink garlic. not very scientific in the names, in any case the only problem with the self seeded garlic has been that the plants were too close together and a bit stifled. I have been using the thinnings for months now in lieu of buying garlic. I did plant two rows of garlic properly from cloves i had bought at the fruit shop that looked OK. It had all been growing along nicely when, all of a sudden, the leaves yellowed and started to fall over. Time to harvest. I am really quite pleased with the result, especially as I was a bit lackadaisical in my planting methods. I have put aside some of    the little cloves and a few good ones for planting next year. I hope to harvest lots more like this next time. My goal is to have enough to sell in two years time.
                                      The best of the harvest

                                                   The Russian Garlic


Chris said…
Ooh, you are right, the pink variety is very pretty! Enjoy all of your beautiful homegrown garlic - so much nicer having grown it yourself!! :)

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