Angus update

 Thank you all for your concern for Angus.
We had a stressful visit to the vet, Angus has had some mites that get under his skin on his leg, he then bites his leg until he has created an open wound. The vet decided he needed to inject under the skin in the wound, ouch! To do this he needed to sedate Angus. When he gave him the anesthetic he went out like a light and I got quite a shock, I was just expecting him to become drowsy. All went well though and he seems fine. He has even kept his bandage on all night. I thought he might have taken it straight off. Hopefully it will all heal up now. Part of the problem is that it has become an anxious habit, he is a very anxious dog, so we will have to try and keep him more occupied and leave him inside more I think.

Angus with his green bandage.

We had a surprise this morning when Peter went to turn the incubator, there was a little chicken. We were not expecting any until Wednesday. I think what has happened is that the chooks were sitting on some of the eggs when we were away at Christmas. I suppose now they will all hatch at different times. 


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