A Homegrown three course dinner party

One of my New Years Resolutions is to have a dinner party once a month. A real dinner party, clean the silver, get out the serviettes, light the candles sort of dinner. We have all these things that we rarely use so i plan to use them and make a regular social occasion.  The plan is to invite about four people over. A dinner party for six. Having made the resolution I was then humming and haaing about it, so finally on Wednesday rang some neighbours and issued the invitation for Saturday night, last  night.
On the menu was almost entirely food we have produced ourselves.

Fried Zucchini flowers served with a garlic aoili, sage leaves and Fried Haloumi
(only the haloumi not from our place) 
Main Course
Roast turkey, stuffed with bacon, peach chutney and sage served with gravy, roast new potatoes, parsnips and Zucchini and steamed beans (just the bacon not from our place)
A sort of Eton Mess, in a long glass I layered a light creamy custard with Mulberries, meringues and cream (cream not from our place)

 Here are some of the ingredients, we are really enjoying our lovely potatoes and beans. 

It was a lovely evening so we started off with drinks in the garden and then came inside for dinner. As soon as the veranda is finished i imagine we will have some dinner parties out there.


Tracy said…
Sounds delicious. Well done using so much of your own grown produce. I bet the neighbours enjoyed the occasion.

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