A Reality check

Yesterday in the garden provided me with a reality check regarding our weather. Over the past few months we have experienced the most benign weather conditions since we have lived here. Mild temperatures and plenty of rain. As a consequence the garden is lush and green. Perhaps too lush and green for our normal weather conditions. Yesterday i noticed that a couple of my precious raspberry plants had very quickly drooped and looked as if they might die. This happened in the space of a few hours. In more usual times I check my plants pretty regularly but have got out of the habit as we have had so much rain. It has been dry here since just after Christmas though and the sandy soil has very little moisture, especially the areas where i have not done a lot of mulching or composting yet. So i am back to my usual habits of checking and looking anxiously at the sky. While Queensland is flooding we could really do with a bit of rain!


homespun living said…
We are in the midst of winter-snowy & cold! Your post has made me wish for an early Spring,


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