Plum Jam

Plum Jam has never been my favourite. Growing up Plum Jam was the jam most on offer in our house. It came in a can and was smooth, sweet and somewhat tasteless.My thoughts of Plum Jam are coloured by this memory. Nevertheless I could not let the last of the blood Plums go to waste and there is no more room for bottled or frozen plums. Plum Jam it would have to be. We have a fundraiser coming up so I can sell some there in anycase.
I used my usual stone fruit jam method of equal parts of sugar and fruit with no added liquid. Cooked the quartered plums in their own juice for about twenty minutes until they were a bit soft and then added the warmed sugar. I had 3 kilos of plums, so 3 kilos of sugar. This produced a lot of liquid and quite a bit of foamy, scum on the top which I skimmed off. I used my thermometer and cooked it until it reached 104 degrees centigrade. This takes the jam right to the edge of being burnt and has produced a magnificent flavour. I thought I had overdone it for a bit and produced a burnt toffee, but to my mind it is almost perfect. Taking ti so close to burning gives a rich, deep flavour and cuts through the sweetness. This jam has a lovely texture and was well worth the effort.

It will be nice on sourdough toast but would also be nice served with cheese a la quince paste! I wonder if you could reduce it further on a lower heat to stop it burning and make a paste? 

My Op shopping luck has continued. When i was working in Dubbo on Tuesday went into Vinnie's and spied the great farm boots for Jemima's visit.  $2, Hope they fit!


You won't believe how hard it is to find a plum jam recipe. Thanks so much for sharing yours today. I am making plum jam for my dad and was just shocked how hard of a time I had finding a recipe.
Anne said…
Hope the recipe worked for you!

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