D'uccles in my garden

The other day I purchased three new bantams. They are called D'uccles, they are very cute. Smaller than the silkies with interesting feet! I haven't managed to get a great photo yet but these are  not too bad.

The little rooster is called Mr. Darcy, the mottled hen is Lizzie and the black one Jane. They have settled in well but in truth we are lucky to have them because the very first night they were here a fox got in and took two of the Silkies. As they live in a cage under the fruit trees and in our yard we have never locked them in their little coop at night. What a cheeky fox to come so close to the house. We are going to set a fox trap tonight.
Despite a general air of disorder in the garden there are many wonderful things to see.
I spied these Hakea flowers yesterday, Aren't they lovely.

And the ornamental grape is putting on a magnificent autumn display.  


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