What a beautiful morning

Last night it was rainy and cold. We thought an early winter had set in. When I woke  up this morning there was the most magnificent picture. It was misty down the valley and the sun just rising. The roses in the foreground blend perfectly with the  colours of sunrise.
It was a pretty special picture yesterday morning as well. We do have an amazing view from our bedroom window.
The magic of the morning continued when I took the dogs for their walk. In the front paddock the moisture from last nights rain had made thousands of little cobwebs visible.
The grass has been washed clean by the rain and it looks golden against the blue sky with the remnants of the morning mist in the background.
the big spiderwebs "uppy hill" are all clearly visible with raindrops still clinging to them.
and the moss on the flat rock is bright green.

A beautiful morning.


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