
We have just returned from a short holiday. We drove to Daylesford in
Victoria, a very beautiful little town with a reputation for good gardens and good food. We were not disappointed on either count. we had originally planned this trip for the late spring but perhaps autumn is an even better time to visit this region. It was a little bit chilly, much cooler than here, but the gardens were spectacular. We visited the Botanical Gardens at Ballarat and Bendigo, I really loved the garden at Bendigo, very creative. Look at the use of ordinary succulents in this garden!

The little cottage where we stayed had a nice garden and some good gardening ideas.

We also visited the Diggers club garden at St. Erth and another lovely garden called Lambley. We were only able to see a part of this garden as although it is a nursery it is also a private home. I would love to come back and see this truly inspirational garden in its entirety. They mail order plants and specialise in dry climate plants so I think we will become customers.

We have come home full of ideas and motivation for our garden. We also bought a few little plants. I was particularly pleased to find a white China Bell or (Chinese Lantern), these are becoming quite a feature of our garden and we now have orange, apricot, yellow and white.

Yesterday we spent most of the day in garden, my mission is to transform the back terraces into something truly stunning. These are the beds where I grow my perennial vegetables and herbs interspersed with a few flowers and annual vegetables. I must say I didn't see any rhubarb that looked as good as mine! There is the basis of a lovely garden in the terraces but it had become very overgrown and messy. After a big days work it is looking a lot better if a little bare.

Peter was inspired by some of the drylands gardens and set to work on our bank garden. This raised area was already in place and we have planted quite a lot on if but sadly neglected the maintenance of this area as there always seems more pressing jobs. It looks quite nice already when you can see the plants and will improve as we plants for a bit more colour and interest.

The Salvias at the St. Erth Garden and Lambley were quite magnificent. We already have a few but I think they will now become a feature of the garden. I am really looking forward to seeing the continued improvements in our garden. It is great to visit other gardens and get inspiration.


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