The Last Day of Autumn

It is a beautiful day here today. Warm after the freezing cold of yesterday and sparkling after the rain.
It looks like it might rain a bit more later on though.
Its the last day of autumn, our autumn has been unusually cool with several heavy frosts already.
It has also been quite wet, following a wet summer.
As a result we have beautiful Autumn colour in the garden and a huge crop of citrus fruit.
We have been eating mandarins for a while although they still a bit tart.
This morning I picked the first of the grapefruit. It has good colour and was a nice balance of sweet and tart. There are about two dozen on the tree this year.
My pomegranates are a bit of a disappointment as they didn't set much fruit in the end. Only this one beauty has made it to harvest. Maybe there will be more next year.

The bush roses have grown quite well over summer and some of them are putting on a great display of  bare red branches with bright red hips.



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