The Last Rose of Summer

Well almost and isn't it just beautiful.

We have roses for at least nine months of the year here, from September until June usually.
This year is unseasonably cold early. It is only mid May and we have already had two significant frosts.  I guess that will mean the end of the roses. The Autumn blooms are my favourite as the rose bushes are usually less stressed than in the summer. This year though we have had a lot of black spot on our roses as it was such a humid summer. Looks like I will be planting more roses this winter as we have another Joey on the way, I think I will stay with the Just Joey's as interplant with some Salvias. I am also going to plant a formal garden of standard roses next to the veranda. hopefully the building will be finished in time to plant them. I think I will plant half icebergs and half Just Joeys and  plant a border of our little lime green/ variegated geranium.

The past two days were cold and frosty in the morning and then beautiful days. Today there is a thick fog, still here at eleven o'clock. I've got the slow combustion stove going in the kitchen as well as the one in the lounge room.   I'm going to make tomato sauce today, bake some bread and make soup for dinner. Lots of nice things about winter.


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