Blue Wrens in the Garden

When we first came here there were very few birds in the garden. Over time as the garden has grown the bird population has grown as well. For the past two years there have been quite a lot of birds and species. I particularly wanted to encourage small birds as they are lovely and great insect predators. There have been little yellow wrens around for a while but the real milestone I wanted to achieve was a population of Blue Wrens. These along with the tiny, tiny red breasted ones, add so much colour and interest to the garden. A couple of times in the last few days I thought I had spotted a blue Wrens and then yesterday there is was a clear as day in the rose garden. Hooray!


Tracy said…
Hello Anne,
It is lovely to have these little fairies in the garden. They are always busy and chirpy.
I would like to send you a little something from my giveaway if you email me your address.
sunnycornerfarm at

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