The New Roses Have Arrived

The new roses arrived yesterday. They have been on a bit of a journey. The couriers rang me on Thursday to say they were in Orange, about an hour from here. They wont deliver them out of town! So we agreed they would drop them at the Post Office. They didn't turn up either Thursday or Friday. Yesterday I chased them up and the couriers told the rose company they were at the Post Office, not so....eventually they turned up.
They are very well packed so don't appear to have come to any harm from their prolonged journey. They look a lot healthier than last time we purchased a big order from Treloars so hope they will do well. It is quite a bit investment. I think i have about a hundred and twenty roses now and this new lot is another thirty three.
Twelve standards, alternating Joeys and Icebergs from along the veranda.
Twelve Joeys for the new Joey garden. Six Katie's Delight because the babies are her delight! They also sent five free roses because it was a large order. They are a random selection but quite a nice lot and fit in nicely with our colour schemes, except fro the two climbers they sent that I will need to find a spot for. They are the wrong colour for the Rose Pergola and it is full in any case.
I am not quite ready for the roses so after their soaking I will have to Heel them in. That is temporarily plant them in a big hole in the garden. 


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