
The Rhubarb is going great guns this spring, we pick it on and off all year really, whenever there is a lull of fruit for Peter's yogurt and fruit morning teas and desserts. We don't have a fruit lull at the moment but the rhubarb really needed a big pick so I decided to pick it all and freeze some. There was quite a lot and only a few days since I last picked.

I had big plans of entering a lot of stuff in our local show which is on next weekend but as luck would have it the show coincided with my trip to Sydney for work so I wont be able to do much. I thought I might leave Peter in charge of picking and entering some fruit and veg and  maybe some eggs though. I think we would be able to pick an excellent bunch of rhubarb.
The other day I saw a recipe for a rhubarb souffle, I think I'll make that on the weekend. It looked very pretty and elegant, I'll keep you posted!


Anonymous said…
I am gald you gave rhubarb place it deserves.Not lot of people like to cook rhubarb although I can not iamgine why.It has such a nice slightly exotic taste and it combines so well with other fruit;)
Almost Precious said…
It is a pretty pile of rhubarb and the soufflé sounds like it would be wonderful.

Love your blog as it reminds me of country living, away from the noise of the city with all its hectic demands.

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