What a Glorious Day

It is just beautiful here today. The sun is shining, the sky is blue, the air is fresh after yesterdays rain. Its the first day that is has felt summery enough to abandon my jeans in favour of something cooler. I think it will be about thirty degrees. Often at this time of the year the temperature is already reaching into the high thirties and the heat is too much, so I am really enjoying this pleasant weather.
The garden is appreciating it too, and although I can see many signs of my recent neglect, on the whole the picture is pleasing.
Our new standard roses along the veranda are looking beautiful and have grown really well.

 This garden had worked almost exactly as planned and although most of the roses don't bear close inspection, the whole picture is lovely with all the beds blooming. The lawn is bright green, a reward for the constant mowing!

My white hydrangea is looking cool and elegant

and all the plumbago's are a gorgeous blue. Imagine with another years growth most of the fence will be covered with these for Christmas.

The ornamental grapes on the trellis outside the kitchen are lush and make my kitchen a much cooler and shadier place to work in when it is hot.

The Zucchini's have some lovely big flowers, hope there will be six to cook for dinner on Saturday night.

Today we put our little guinea fowl chicks out in the big wide world. They are so small we had to put some extra mesh on  their enclosure

I Hope that you enjoy your visit to "Balmoral Park" garden today!


Katie&Jemima said…
Yes we did enjoy our visit, thankyou very much, brightend up our gloomy English morning!

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