The Forgiving Garden

My garden has been quite neglected this summer, partly because of the weather, lots of rain, lots of garden pests and partly because there has been a lot of other things going on. All in all I am pleasantly surprised at how much it continues to provide for us.
My latest forage found;
The first cucumbers of the summer

 Loads of little Cherry Roma tomatoes, these have done really well and have not been affected bu the fruit fly at all. the vines look pretty ragged but the tomatoes are still lovely. There are also these larger yellow tomatoes, I'm not sure what variety they are but will grow them again as they have also done well and been quite fruit fly resistant.

The second crop of zucchini are doing quite well despite the ravages of the 28 spotted ladybird.

The beans have bean amazing, mostly from one self sown climbing bean and they have been reproducing heavily for months now. There are also are few bush beans that are now producing.
The Raspberries continue to provide about half a cup of sweet treats a day
and the rhubarb is constant.
As are the herbs, at the moment, loads of basil, some coriander, a lovely crop of self sown dill, the first of the new crop of self sown flat leaf parsley and the standard rosemary, oregano, thyme's and sage.
Not bad for the amount of time I have put into it of late. I hope to get lots of winter vegetables planted this week. 


Your blog is really amazing with all the bits and pieces of information I can share with my friends and followers. Thanks and more power!
Running Mojo said…
I brought in a bunch of my herbs to work and they where a great hit with everyone in the office. Everyone wants to know when i am next visiting the farm and what i will bring back this time. Looking forward to getting there next Thursday!
Running Mojo said…
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