An abundance of eggs

Silkie eggs

Duck eggs
Turkey eggs
Hen eggs

With five silkie hens, seven regular hens of mixed breed, four ducks of indeterminate sex and ten turkey hens we generally have an abundance of eggs. Despite the fact that several of the turkeys and hens are not laying, as they are broody the, there seem to be more than ever. Certainly more than two people can eat.
Peter generally takes them to work and either sells them or gives them away. The turkey ones have not been that popular though. Today he said someone asked him for more turkey eggs as they had made an omelet with them and it was the best they have ever made. I find they rise up really well in omelets and Frittatas. I plan a big cooking evening sometime this week to turn the eggs into little herb quiches to put in the freezer for over the holidays when we will have a house full.


Running Mojo said…
Not Quiches, cant you make lemon curd tarts? he he
Anonymous said…
When I found this was like wow. Thanks for putting your effort in publishing this blog.

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